Centerline Construction Redesign

Centerline Construction Redesign

Website Design Centerline Construction Redesign Centerline Construction  Five years after we created their first website, Centerline Construction was overdue for a new site. By 2017 the company needed more than a simple web presence. They needed a sophisticated more...
Dalton Manufacturing

Dalton Manufacturing

Website Design Dalton Manufacturing Dalton Manufacturing Company Dalton needed a new website to replace their outdated static site. We built their site on the WordPress platform. Our goal was to design a new site that would be a strong marketing tool that would help...
Salisbury Beach Oral History Project

Salisbury Beach Oral History Project

Website Design Salisbury Beach Oral History Project Salisbury Beach Oral History It was important that this project of the Massachusetts Cultural Council & the Salisbury Cultural Council portray the unique character of Salisbury Beach through the stories of those...
R. Baker

R. Baker

Website Design R. Baker Ruth Baker – needed a website for her new coaching service. We developed the creative concept and marketing angle for a site that was essentially selling Ruth as a solo practitioner. We wrote and revised her web copy, provided full...
Pet Portraits

Pet Portraits

Website Design Pet Portraits Sue Grimwood Pet Portraits This was the first website for this artist. Her site required careful optimization of artwork images so they would view well on a website. We wrote all the copy and crafted the content to explain a complex...