Clean Indoor Air Protects Health
How to Decrease the Presence of Viruses in Homes, Schools & BusinessesClean Indoor Air Protects Health
How to Decrease the Presence of Viruses in Homes, Schools & Businesses

Indoor Virus Spread Can Be Significantly Reduced
In a properly managed environment, COVID transmission can be close to zero.*
* For reference and educational purposes only. Seek the advice of appropriate professionals to choose effective indoor air cleaning systems.
* This site does not offer medical advice and is not anti-vax.
Indoor Virus Spread Can Be Significantly Reduced
In a properly managed environment, COVID transmission can be close to zero.*
* For reference and educational purposes only. Seek the advice of appropriate professionals to choose effective indoor air cleaning systems.
* This site does not offer medical advice and is not anti-vax.
Improving Indoor Air Quality is the Solution
It wasn’t until the end of 2021 that public health organizations and the White House fully acknowledged COVID as airborne. Now that it’s official, we can discontinue the ineffective approaches that focused on “droplets.”
COVID aerosol particles are microscopic, travel much farther than droplets, and can hang in indoor air for hours. This is why the virus spreads easily, and why distancing indoors does not provide adequate protection. It’s also why the more effective, tighter-fitting KN95 or N95 masks are necessary.
Proven air-cleaning technologies that focus on Ventilation & Filtration need to be implemented to remove COVID particles from indoor air in schools, offices, restaurants, and your home. There’s no 100% guarantee but once spaces are equipped with properly managed ventilation and filtration systems, the air will be far safer to breathe without a mask.
This is solid science, yet it’s revolutionary because while we have the means, too few schools, businesses, and homes have implemented it. When this technology is applied, even low-cost options bring us closer to normal life.

Masks Could Be Unnecessary for Healthy People in Buildings with Properly Managed Ventilation & Filtration
Improving Indoor Air Quality is the Solution
It wasn’t until the end of 2021 that public health organizations and the White House fully acknowledged COVID as airborne. Now that it’s official, we can discontinue the ineffective approaches that focused on “droplets.”
COVID aerosol particles are microscopic, travel much farther than droplets, and can hang in indoor air for hours. This is why the virus spreads quickly (and because of more contagious variants), and why distancing indoors does not provide adequate protection. It’s also why the more effective, tighter-fitting KN95 or N95 masks are necessary.
Proven air-cleaning technologies that focus on Ventilation & Air Filtration need to be implemented to remove COVID particles from indoor air in schools, offices, restaurants, and your home. There’s no 100% guarantee but once spaces are equipped with properly managed ventilation and filtration systems, the air will be far safer to breathe without a mask.
This is solid science, yet it’s revolutionary because while we have the means, too few schools, businesses, and homes have effectively implemented this. When this technology is properly applied, even the simpler, low-cost options can bring us close to normal indoor life.

Masks Could Be Unnecessary for Healthy People in Buildings with Properly Managed Ventilation & Filtration
Fresh Air Ventilation

Ventilation Systems

Air Filtration/Cleaning

Ultraviolet Disinfection

The Good News
Air cleaning initiatives are a great investment. Students, teachers, office and retail workers, restaurant staff, and every customer or client will not only be safer from a serious virus but will also be less likely to come down with a cold or the flu. Allergy and asthma sufferers will feel better in a building with good ventilation and filtration. Imagine reducing personal misery and organizations saving money because of fewer sick days.
The Very Good News
Businesses that make their building healthier see a 10% increase in their bottom line. A healthy building is good business.
The Superhero Good News
Once in place and properly maintained these systems eliminate most indoor pollutants. The true genius of clean air is that it can future-proof you against any serious impact of every new nasty virus.

The Shift in Responsibility
When we thought the virus spread through droplets, individuals were responsible for keeping themselves and others safe. We were required to keep our distance, wear a mask, or isolate. But with tiny viral particles that contaminate a room for hours after an infected person has left, the responsibility is on those who own or manage the indoor space. Just as they are responsible for clean water from their faucets they are responsible for clean air. Of course, we each still need to do our part to not infect others.

The Good News
Air cleaning initiatives are a great investment. Students, teachers, office and retail workers, restaurant staff, and every customer or client will not only be safer from a deadly virus but will also be less likely to come down with a cold or the flu. Allergy and asthma sufferers will feel better in a building with good ventilation and filtration. Imagine reducing personal misery and organizations saving money because of fewer sick days.
The Very Good News
Businesses that make their building healthier see a 10% increase in their bottom line. A healthy building is good business.
The Superhero News
Once in place and properly maintained these systems eliminate indoor pollutants. The true genius of clean air is that it can future-proof you against any serious impact of every new nasty virus.

The Shift in Responsibility
When we thought the virus spread through droplets, individuals were responsible for keeping themselves and others safe. We were required to keep our distance, wear a mask, or isolate. But with tiny viral particles that contaminate a room for hours after an infected person has left, the responsibility is on those who own or manage the indoor space. Just as they are responsible for clean water from their faucets they are responsible for clean air. Of course, we each still need to do our part to not infect others.
Indoor Ventilation
Principles developed by engineers and physicistsVentilation Brings Fresh Outdoor Air into Buildings
Air Exchange is the key concept. (This does not apply to wildfire smoke in your neighborhood)
The infographic provides ventilation instructions.
DO NOT recirculate the air – that’s worse than doing nothing. Blowing indoor are around the room does not clean it and can blow infected particles directly at people.
Create a Cross Current
For effective air exchange, face one window fan to pull in outside air and another fan in a window across the room or in another room to blow indoor air out.

Infographic by @SergioCoscolin
If you use a Ceiling Fan IT MUST BE SET to PULL the Air UP (turning clockwise) – to pull air UP and AWAY from people.
Floor Fans or Box Fans Should Always Point AWAY from People to avoid blowing contaminated air directly at them.
Ventilation Brings Fresh Outdoor Air into Buildings
Air Exchange is the key concept. (This does not apply to wildfire smoke in your neighborhood)
The infographic provides ventilation instructions.
DO NOT recirculate the air – that’s worse than doing nothing. Blowing indoor are around the room does not clean it and can blow infected particles directly at people.
Create a Cross Current
For effective air exchange, face one window fan to pull in outside air and another fan in a window across the room or in another room to blow indoor air out.

If you use a Ceiling Fan IT MUST BE SET to PULL the Air UP (turning clockwise) – to pull air UP and AWAY from people.
Floor Fans or Box Fans Should Always Point AWAY from People to avoid blowing contaminated air directly at them.
Improving School Air Quality: The Basics
& a Case Study:
This is an excellent overview of clean indoor air technology. Ventilation, Air Filtration, and Air Quality Monitoring are explained as part of a school case study. Effective low-budget options are also offered.
Technical Details for
Monitoring Air Quality:
David Elfstrom on Ventilation and Dr. Poppendieck discusses measuring air quality using CO2 Monitors.
See videos below for how to build Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes and a simpler explanation of CO2 Monitors.
Air Filtration
Filtering Out Viruses & Smoke with HEPA FiltersAir Filtration is Used With or Without Ventilation
There are numerous ways to filter indoor air. Large buildings use state-of-the-art HVAC systems while homes use portable HEPA air cleaners.

Portable Air Cleaners for Classrooms, Offices & Homes
The difference between the models of any brand is mostly the square footage they cover. Make sure the air cleaner you purchase has a HEPA 13 filter, which is medical grade and will remove 99.95% of all particles in the air measuring 0.2 microns in diameter particles (which will remove the COVID virus). The CleanAirCrew Air Cleaner buying guide page is a good place to start your research.
Air Filtration is Used With or Without Ventilation
There are numerous ways to filter indoor air. Large buildings use state-of-the-art HVAC systems while homes use portable HEPA air purifiers.

There are many high-quality brands available for home use. The difference between the models of any brand is mostly the square footage they cover. Make sure the purifier you purchase has a HEPA 13 filter, which is medical grade and will remove 99.95% of all particles in the air measuring 0.2 microns in diameter particles (which will remove the COVID virus). The CleanAirCrew Air Cleaner buying guide page is a good place to start your research.

HEPA Filtration Can Also Protect You from Wildfire Smoke
Using portable Air Cleaners can remove smoke and make home air safer to breathe.

Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes - DIY Air Filters
Effective Air Cleaners Almost Anyone Can BuildBuilding Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes – Richard Corsi
Even This Old House Builds One
The CleanAirCrew website is a great resource.
It has full instructions for building the Corsi-Rosenthal Box
Monitoring Air Quality
CO2 Monitors give you the ability to assess air quality. They don’t measure the amount of COVID in a room, but tell you the quality of your ventilation by measuring the levels of CO2 in an indoor space.
This 3-minute video explains the use of CO2 Monitors:
You can use a CO2 Monitor to assess air quality in a room, a restaurant, an airplane, or any indoor space.
The CleanAirCrew website has CO2 Monitor information.
Articles About Decreasing COVID Using Air-Cleaning Technology
This MacArthur Genius Helped Us Understand Exactly How COVID-19 Spreads - 2023
CDC Finally Provides COVID Indoor Air Quality Guidelines - 3 Years Later - 2023
Better Ventilation in Schools Could Reduce COVID Risks & Boost Learning - May 13, 2022
Better Ventilation in Schools Could Reduce COVID Risks by Public Health Reporter Jonathan Lambert
Designing Infectious Disease Resilience into School Buildings -Ventilation & Air Cleaning - April 2021
Indoor Air and Corona - An In-depth Must-Read - June 2022
Indoor Air Pollution in the Time of Coronavirus – March 2022
The World Health Organization tweeted “FACT: #COVID19 is NOT airborne.” – They were wrong.
Biden Administration (finally) Elevates Healthy Buildings as Part of COVID Strategy - March 2022
Biden administration (finally) elevates healthy buildings as part of national Covid strategy by Joseph Allen
This Invisible Covid-19 Mitigation Measure is Finally Getting the Attention it Deserves - April 10, 2022
This Invisible Covid-19 Mitigation Measure is Finally Getting the Attention it Deserves -April 10, 2022
Cleaning Indoor Air Reduces COVID - So Why Is No One Talking About It? - May 2022
Cleaning Indoor Air Reduces COVID – So Why Is No One Talking About It?
Italian Study Shows Ventilation Can Cut School COVID Cases by 82% - March 2022
Italian Study – Ventilation Can Cut School COVID Cases by 82%
Erie County to Buy Air Purifiers for 11,000 School Classrooms - April 7, 2022
Erie County to Buy Air Purifiers for 11,000 School Classrooms – April 7, 2022
US, WHO Officials and Experts Agree (sort of) on How COVID-19 Spreads - April 8, 2022
US, WHO Officials and Experts Agree (sort of) on How COVID-19 Spreads – April 8, 2022
Biden Administration Launches Effort to Improve Ventilation & Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 in Buildings - March 2022
Biden Administration Launches Effort to Improve Ventilation & Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 in Buildings
Articles About Decreasing COVID Using Air-Cleaning Technology
Better Ventilation in Schools Could Reduce COVID Risks & Boost Learning - May 13, 2022
Better Ventilation in Schools Could Reduce COVID Risks by Public Health Reporter Jonathan Lambert
Designing Infectious Disease Resilience into School Buildings - Ventilation & Air Cleaning
Indoor Air and Corona - An In-depth Must-Read - June 2022
Indoor Air Pollution in the Time of Coronavirus – March 2022
The World Health Organization tweeted “FACT: #COVID19 is NOT airborne.” – They were wrong.
Biden Administration (finally) Elevates Healthy Buildings as Part of COVID Strategy
Biden administration (finally) elevates healthy buildings as part of national Covid strategy by Joseph Allen
This Invisible Covid-19 Mitigation Measure is Finally Getting the Attention it Deserves -April 10, 2022
This Invisible Covid-19 Mitigation Measure is Finally Getting the Attention it Deserves -April 10, 2022
Cleaning Indoor Air Reduces COVID - So Why Is No One Talking About It? - May 2022
Cleaning Indoor Air Reduces COVID – So Why Is No One Talking About It?
Italian Study Shows Ventilation Can Cut School COVID Cases by 82%
Italian Study – Ventilation Can Cut School COVID Cases by 82%
Erie County to Buy Air Purifiers for 11,000 School Classrooms - April 7, 2022
Erie County to Buy Air Purifiers for 11,000 School Classrooms – April 7, 2022
US, WHO Officials and Experts Agree (sort of) on How COVID-19 Spreads - April 8, 2022
US, WHO Officials and Experts Agree (sort of) on How COVID-19 Spreads – April 8, 2022
Biden Administration Launches Effort to Improve Ventilation & Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 in Buildings
Biden Administration Launches Effort to Improve Ventilation & Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 in Buildings
What the CDC Guidelines Don’t Say About Classroom Ventilation and COVID-19 Spread - Feb. 17, 2021
Did the CDC downplay school ventilation because of lack of understanding or simple disregard? Feb. 17, 2021
Health Organizations & The White House See the Light
After two years of an outdated theory, aerosols are finally recognized as the true culpritsCOVID and Clean Indoor Air – Discussion with the experts hosted by The White House Office of Science & Technology Policy
The March 29, 2022 webinar included presentations by experts in airborne virus transmission and clean air solutions. Watch the video:
It wasn’t until March 23, 2022, that the White House released its first statement acknowledging COVID to be airborne. Overdue but the administration now promotes cleaning indoor air.
Engineer Linsey Marr explained aerosol science – how the particles move around and accumulate. She introduced the primary air-cleaning solutions.
Joseph Allen, healthy building specialist, explained how they keep students and employees healthier, and happier. And save money because people are more productive and don’t miss classes or work due to illness.
Experts did not mince words as they reminded us that public health officials denied the aerosol transmission of COVID for 2 years despite the findings of aerosol engineers.
Here’s The White House statement from March 23, 2022 that explains how Ventilation & Air Filtration can reduce the transmission of COVID. Many people are unaware of it. One reason this site was created.
The EPA’s Indoor Air Challenge
- Assess Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
- Create an action plan for clean indoor air
- Optimize fresh air ventilation with HVAC system and exhaust fans
- Enhance air filtration using central HVAC system and portable air cleaners
- Get your community engaged in your action plan – educate and get buy-in

Ventilation When Driving

The safest transportation for avoiding COVID.
A car is a small enclosed space and poses a greater risk than your home, especially with closed windows.
Remember – Bring in Outside Air!
“Driving with the windows up and the air conditioning or heat on is the worst scenario.” – Brown University
Opening Windows for 10 seconds Reduces COVID Particles by 97%
Open windows on the opposite side of the car from where people are sitting to create a diagonal airflow.
- Under 30 mph, have all windows open.
- At higher speeds, occasionally open a front window and the opposite rear window for 10 seconds.
Sitting in the Front is Safer
Aerosols get trapped in the back -put high-risk passengers in the front –BBC
Masking in a Car is the Safest – But Ventilate!
A car is a small enclosed space, posing a greater risk than your home especially with closed windows.
Remember – Bring in Outside Air!
“Driving with the windows up and the air conditioning or heat on is the worst scenario.” – Brown Study
Opening Windows for 10 seconds Reduces Build-up of COVID Particles by 97%
Open windows on opposite sides of the car from where people are sitting for a diagonal airflow.
Sitting in the front is safer. Aerosols get trapped in the back, so put high-risk passengers in the front. – BBC Report
Masking in a Car is the Safest – But Ventilate!

The safest transportation for avoiding COVID.

But if you drive a car follow the guidelines.
The Portable Air Cleaner* That I Use
I started on the CleanAirCrew Air Cleaner buying guide page but found that it took time to sift through the great info. The difference between the models of each brand is how big of an area the air cleaner will cover, as well as how fast it will clean that area. You’ll need one with a HEPA 13 filter to remove the COVID virus particles.
I gathered information, read a lot of reviews and chose Medify Air
* I originally used the common term “air purifier.” Then I read environmental engineer, Dr. Shelly L. Miller’s comment on her website “please don’t call them air purifiers, we can’t ever purify the air.” I now use “air cleaner” on this web page for scientific accuracy.
Face Masks
To protect yourself and others from infectionThe CleanAirCrew page on FACE MASKS has everything you need to know, including elastomeric respirators.

Cloth and surgical face masks offer minimal protection – only about 40%

There is a wide range of face masks. N95 & P100 are best.

N95 Masks with head straps have a tight fit. The design allows easy breathing. The 3M Aura 9210 is one of the best N95 masks.

The GVS elastomeric mask with source control is one of the best choices.
Those who are most vulnerable would be wise to wear protection that is 95-100% effective.
Please don’t laugh at or criticize those wearing these types of masks. They are trying to protect themselves (and to protect you!).

The Dentec Elastomeric Half Mask Respirator is another great choice.